Insta-Cure IC-GEL Glue Tube

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IC-GELâ„¢ is a cyanoacrylate paste that is extremely thick which comes in an applicator tube like toothpaste. It has the same bonding and curing time characteristics as MAXI-CUREâ„¢. IC-GELâ„¢, however, can be applied to a vertical surface and will stay in place. It will not run. This can be very convenient for some assembly applications. Applying CA to the bottom of a horizontal surface, such as a ceiling, can be very difficult with anything other than a full standard CA bottle. IC-GELâ„¢ can be applied at any angle with just a squeeze of the tube. The gel does, however, have a tendency to continue to come out of the tube for about a second after pressure is released, so this must be taken into account to apply the exact amount of IC-GELâ„¢ that you want.

IC-GELâ„¢ is an excellent putty for plastic models. It will fill any void and can be formed to many shapes. Applying INSTA-SETâ„¢ allows IC-GELâ„¢ to be sanded or filed to final shape in less than 20 seconds. Autobody repairmen have finished their jobs in a fraction of the time by using IC-GELâ„¢ with the additional advantage over normal body putties of superior bonding to metal surfaces.

IC-GEL'sâ„¢ most popular application is for the bonding of fragments of live coral (frags) to underwater rocks in aquariums. It has proven to be non-toxic to aquatic organisms and provides instant bonding for the propagation of the coral. IC-Gel has a superior shelf life of over three years and its application nozzle makes it the easiest of all CAs to apply.


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